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Goal Setting: How to Set a Goal … and Keep It!

Many of us start a new year with a goal in mind. Whether it be saving more money, getting a new job, being more active, or eating better, it’s important to set goals. However, setting a goal and keeping that goal are two very different things.

First, find your purpose. If you’re just setting a goal because it’s the right thing to do, it’s unlikely that you’ll actually achieve something. Set a goal for something that you’re passionate about, rather than something you feel like you “have to do.”

Keep your goals front and center. Review them weekly and track your progress. You could keep a sticky note on your fridge or desk, or make a commitment to work toward the goal for a few minutes each day. Whatever it may be, keep the goal visible.

Have someone, or something, hold you accountable. If you’re trying to be more active, ask a friend to be your workout buddy a few times a week. Knowing that you have someone counting on you will help you stay motivated and keep your goal top of mind.

Reward yourself! If you’ve been consistently sticking with your goal, don’t hesitate to reward yourself for the work that you’ve been doing. Were you active three times this week? Plan a night out with friends, get fitted for new sneakers, or unwind with your favorite movie.

Start short-term and work toward long-term. Short-term goals are small victories that keep you on track toward your long-term goal. If you want to lose weight, set a goal of being active for 30 minutes, at least three times this week. These short-term goals help you put long-term goals into perspective, so that they don’t appear quite as daunting.

What was your goal this year? Did you stick with it, or did it fall by the wayside? Either way, there’s no time like today to continue to work toward it. Follow these tips and tricks to help you achieve the goals that you’ve set.

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